Day 72
Choose Whom You Will Serve
Read: Joshua 23-24
As old Moses had gathered the people together to urge them to serve God, so Joshua does the same thing. He recounted the history of God’s gracious dealings with them. He pleaded with them, “Now therefore fear the LORD, and serve him in sincerity and in faithfulness” (24:14). Then he told them that they must make a choice. Will they serve false gods or the one true God? He makes it clear where he stands: “As for me and my house, we will serve the LORD” (v. 15). He points out to them that the decision to serve the one true God must not be a glib one, because it will not be easy; there will be many temptations. He reminds them that serving the true God means ridding one’s life of things which are not consistent with such service. We see that Joshua’s influence lasted for a generation, but regrettably no longer than that.
What lessons are here for us! Let us consider the history of God’s gracious dealings with our spiritual forefathers and with us. Let us be moved by the plea to serve God sincerely and faithfully. Let us realize that for us too the choice entails a lifestyle contrary to the common way of life all around us, a life which we are so easily tempted to live.
No matter what other people do, let us commit ourselves wholeheartedly to serving God and training our family to do the same.
Father, give us grace to be faithful to our commitment to you who are so faithful to us. In Christ’s name. Amen.