Day 154
Needed: Jesus Christ
Read: Job 9-11
Job agreed with Bildad that “God will not reject a blameless man” (8:20). But then he added, “But how can a man be just before God?” (9:2). If Job had only been able to read Paul’s letter to the Romans written centuries later! “A man is justified by faith apart from works” (Rom. 3:28). How blessed we are to live in the days following the writing of the New Testament, so we can read clear answers to some of Job’s questions. How wonderful to know with certainty how to be right with God, through faith in Christ. But millions of people are still in Job’s situation. In the midst of their heartaches, they do not know of Jesus Christ. We have yet to tell them the good news.
As he spoke about God, Job cried out, “There is no umpire between us” (9:33). One familiar with the New Testament thinks of the truth that there is one mediator between God and people, the man Christ Jesus (1 Tim. 2:5). How good to know what Job did not know and what millions of people do not know today. How important to send forth the good news.
Again, Job said to God, “There is none to deliver out of your hand” (10:7 ESV). But we who know the gospel of Christ may have echoing in our minds the hymn inspired by that gospel, “When by sin oppressed, go to Him for rest; our God is able to deliver thee.”
Father, stir up Christians to be more urgent in sending forth the gospel of Christ. In his name. Amen.