Day 259
Glory and Holiness
Read: Ezekiel 43-45
At the beginning of his ministry, Ezekiel had seen a glorious vision of the Lord. Now at this new temple, he sees the same vision. We speak of the glory of God and we say that the “chief end of man is to glorify God and to enjoy him forever,” but what does the word “glory” mean? The glory of God refers to his inherent greatness which is now manifested. It is his majestic splendor which now becomes visible. How do we glorify God? By showing to the world how great he is. Though it pales in comparison, his wonderful character must be reflected in our character, so that people will look to him and take him most seriously. Jesus says that he glorified his Father by the work he did.
Another important word mentioned here is the word “holy” which is also found throughout Scripture. God’s name is holy, but it had been defiled by Israel in the past (43:7). The whole area around this new temple is to be “most holy” (v. 12). The priests are to teach the people the difference “between the holy and the common” (44:23). They are to keep God’s Sabbaths “holy” (v. 24). The word “holy” in Hebrew comes from a root that means “separated.” God is holy because he is separated from sin; he is completely pure. For us to be holy means that we are to be separated to God, and therefore separated from that which is sinful. In the world to come, everything will be holy; let us seek to be holy now.
Father, give us grace to glorify you by reflecting your holy nature in daily living. In Jesus’ name. Amen.