Day 117
Interpreting History
Read: 2 Kings 17
From Genesis to Esther, the books of the Bible are historical. But the writers are not interested in simply stating facts. They are inspired by God’s Spirit to interpret the meaning of the facts. These things happened because God responded to the actions of people. The Israelites sinned constantly (v. 7). They walked according to the customs of the pagan nations around them (v. 8). They did things in secret that were wrong (v. 9). The Lord sent prophets, but Israel would not listen to them (v. 13). They were stubborn (v. 14). They failed to believe in the Lord. They even offered their children as burnt offerings (v. 17). Therefore, the Lord punished them by causing them to be taken captive by Assyria.
God is not mocked; whatever we sow, the same shall we also reap. The God of 1 and 2 Kings is the God who rules supreme today. He has not changed. He will call all nations and all individuals to account for their deeds in the time of judgment. Christ is our one hope.
The Assyrians replaced the Israelites with people of other nations whom they had captured. When these transplanted people suffered from disobeying the Lord, the king of Assyria sent back a priest to teach them about the Lord. They then mixed true religion with false. Today, also, many people try to mix worship of the true God with that of their own gods, perhaps of pleasure or other false paths.
Father, help us to understand what is happening in the world in light of your judgments. In Christ. Amen.