Day 365
The Grand Finale
Read: Revelation 20-22
Many people talk a great deal about the millennium. The only place where a thousand-year millennium is mentioned in the Bible is in Revelation 20. Sincere Christians have held three different views, the premillennial view which says Christ will come to earth before the millennium, the postmillennial view which says Christ will come after the world gets better and better, and the amillennial view which says there is no literal millennium because Revelation is a book of symbolism.
Christ defeated Satan at Calvary. Since then he no longer has the place he held when he deceived all nations with paganism. After a period in which the Christian faith has had great success throughout the world, Satan will be loosed for a little while. Perhaps this post-Christian era of history is that “little while.”
While sincere Christians disagree about the events leading to the second coming of Christ, we can all agree that the final chapter is a new heaven and a new earth for eternity. Whatever you may have to suffer in this life, be it from persecution or some other source, know this: if you belong to Jesus Christ, you will spend eternity in that glorious heavenly city, and the most wonderful thing will be to live in the presence of the Lamb of God. But you can begin experiencing eternal life here and now through fellowship with him in the assurance that the best is yet to come.
Father, for me to live is Christ and to die is gain, for it will mean a fuller measure of Christ. In his name. Amen.