Day 299
Crucified, He Rose Again
Read: Mark 15-16
It is possible that the first Lord’s Supper was held in the upper room in the home of Mark’s mother, and that young Mark followed Jesus and that he was the young man who fled leaving his garment behind him (14:51-52). The description of the trials and crucifixion reiterate what we recently read in Matthew. In fact, at many points the accounts are word for word the same, evidence that suggests Matthew, who expands a bit here and there, had Mark before him when he wrote. In any case, each Gospel ends with a detailed account of the crucifixion and resurrection. The Gospels are not biographies; they are proclamations of good news. This is the good news—that Jesus died in our place so that we might be forgiven, that he rose showing he has power over sin and death for our sake, and that he is alive today.
There is great variety in the manuscripts we have of Mark 16, therefore there are shorter and longer endings to the Gospel. However, in every case there is the fact of the resurrection and of the women meeting an angel at the empty tomb. The message of God to them, through the angel, is the directive found frequently in the Bible: “Go.” This amazing fact that Jesus Christ though crucified, dead, and buried is yet now alive must be proclaimed to the world. God has provided a Savior. We must go everywhere with that message.
Father, fill us so full of the joy of our salvation that we will be impelled to tell the world of Jesus. In his name. Amen.