Day 184
The Story of God and People
Read: Psalms 105-106
Psalms 105 and 106 both begin with “O give thanks to the Lord” and end with “Praise the Lord!” Psalm 105 recounts the mighty acts of God from the call of Abraham to the entrance to the Promised Land. Sentence after sentence begins with “He” and tells what God did for Israel.
Psalm 106 recounts the history of God’s people from the exodus to the judges. It tells the human side, how Israel again and again failed God. Sentence after sentence begins with “They” and tells how the people sinned. The reason it gives is, “They forgot God.” God blessed them, but they soon forgot what he had done and lived in ways which displeased him. While the psalm describes the sinfulness of people, it ends on a positive note. While the people forgot God, “he remembered for their sake his covenant.” We forget God, but he does not forget us. He remembers the promises he made to our spiritual forefathers that for their sake he would bless their descendants.
Parts of Psalms 105 and 106 were combined with Psalm 96 to form the psalm of praise at the reception of the ark of the covenant in Jerusalem.
What a powerful message: God does great things for his people. We sin against him because we forget him, but he remembers his promises. Therefore, praise the Lord!
Father, we rejoice in your grace; keep us from forgetting your goodness that we may be faithful. In Jesus’ name. Amen.