Day 311
The Word Became Flesh
Read: John 1-2
Probably John had before him the other three gospels. He is getting old and realizes he is the last eyewitness alive. He knows so many things firsthand which are not recorded in the other gospels. So he writes with the purpose that those who read may believe in Christ and find true life (see John 20:30-31). He uses the structure of calling upon a series of witnesses who will point to the fact that Jesus is the only Son of God.
He begins with his own witness. He who was so personally involved with Jesus is convinced that the Word (the Logos in Greek, that is, Jesus) is God (1:1). He then lets John the Baptist speak, “I have seen and have borne witness that this is the Son of God” (v. 34). He gives us the testimony of Andrew, “We have found the Messiah” (v. 41). He quotes Nathanael, a man without guile, who upon meeting Jesus cries out, “You are the Son of God! You are the King of Israel!” (v. 49).
John records for us the first miracle Jesus performed, that of turning water into wine, and says that, as a result, “his disciples believed in him” (2:11). He tells us that as Jesus did other miracles (which John always calls signs, for they point to the deity of Christ), “many believed in his name” (v. 23).
If you know some who do not have faith in Christ, urge them to read the Gospel of John. It is written for the purpose of getting people to believe.
Father, as people read this great account of Christ, give them saving faith in him. In his name we pray. Amen.