Day 30
Read: Leviticus 1-4
Here is where your determination to read through the Bible in a year will be severely tested. Leviticus consists of detailed ceremonial laws that God gave to the children of Israel. These first chapters deal with various kinds of sacrifices that were to be made on different occasions.
All the sacrifices of the Old Testament are fulfilled in Christ. These laws point forward to the perfect sacrifice he would make. The people were made to realize that there must be great sacrifice to approach God, so they would understand the purpose of Christ when he came. We can be thankful that “Jesus paid it all.” Pagan religions also included sacrifices, sometimes even the sacrifice of one’s own children. Within the heart there is the realization that one cannot approach a holy God without great sacrifice. How liberating to know that because Christ died for sinners, there is nothing left for us to pay. Trusting in him, we can be sure of salvation.
The hymn reflects biblical truth when it says, “Jesus paid it all, all to him I owe.” We owe a great debt of gratitude that we can never fully pay. In gratitude we are to sacrifice and serve for the cause of his kingdom. Not to save ourselves, but with a desire that others should know Christ, trust him, and also be saved, we ought to give most generously for the cause of missions.
We praise you, O Lord, for the perfect sacrifice which assures us of our salvation. Amen.