Day 327
A Prisoner for Christ
Read: Acts 21-23
Paul is now on his way back to Jerusalem, realizing he is headed for trouble, but convinced he is being led by the Spirit. We need to seek the leading of the Spirit each step of the way in life, realizing God has a good plan for us although it may not be easy.
Arriving in Jerusalem, the leaders of the church there are concerned that Paul has lost his Jewishness, so they ask him to take a vow, which brings him into the temple area where he is seized by the Jews and then rescued by the Roman soldiers. When the soldiers arrest him, he asks for an opportunity to address the people, giving him a chance to witness for Christ. He tells of his conversion experience. The people listen with interest until he mentions the word Gentile, at which point they riot.
The Roman officer in charge is perplexed and arranges for the Sanhedrin to meet with him. When things start off badly from the get-go, Paul, perceiving that this body was made up of Pharisees and Sadducees who differed on the resurrection, shrewdly states that the reason he is being condemned is his belief in the resurrection. This results in heated debate between the Pharisees who believed in resurrection and the Sadducees who didn’t. The following night, after narrowly surviving this dangerous situation, “the Lord stood by him and said, ‘Take courage . . . you must bear witness also at Rome’” (23:11). The Lord says to you, “Take courage.”
Father, your servants in the past have suffered much. Give me the grace to take up my cross. For Jesus’ sake. Amen.