Day 27
Intercessory Prayer
Read: Exodus 32-34
While Moses is on Mount Sinai, receiving the commandments of God, the people are on the plain below involved in the very serious sin of idolatry. When Moses discovers this, he prayed fervently that God will not punish the people as they deserve. While this is what God had intended to do, he changed his plan in answer to Moses’ prayer!
Notice what Moses does not do. He does not separate himself self-righteously from the sinning people. Instead, he said to God that he was willing to be lost rather than that God should not forgive these people, utterly unworthy though they be. What a different spirit from what is so common among us today.
In reply God said that because of the sinfulness of the people, he would send an angel to accompany them on their journey, but he himself would not go with them personally. Again Moses pleaded with God, and again God changed what he said he would do, in answer to Moses’ prayer! If we would pray as fervently and unselfishly as Moses, what great things God would do for his church.
While God is willing to be gracious to Israel because of the prayer of Moses, he is yet a God who will punish sin and who requires obedience. In our emphasis on the grace of God, we must not forget that.
Father, cause us to be so concerned for the spiritual welfare of your people that we will pray for them fervently and unselfishly. In Jesus’ name. Amen.