
Stories of Hope

Stories from our ministry fields around the world.

Prayer Guide

June 2024 Prayer Guide

BHUTAN — A young mother from an indigenous tribe began sending one of her children to Words of Hope’s after school tutoring center in the area. She was delighted with the progress her child made academically and behaviorally as

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Equipping Young People in Niger

Words of Hope Niger partners with the Evangelical Church of the Republic of Niger to empower indigenous communities. Together, we collaborate with a local team to create Christian media content in eight languages, airing it on local FM radio

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uganda church service

May 2024 Prayer Guide

BHUTAN — Pray for the leader of our Bhutanese ministry team. He has been traveling to remote areas where most of the population is either Buddhist or Hindu. He goes to these locations to offer in-person training for Christian

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home and clothing lines in rural indonesia

Listener Communities

In the island country of Indonesia, Words of Hope’s ministry partners are working to establish listener communities in all of the areas where rural, small language broadcasts can be heard. Local pastors often facilitate these listener communities, relying on the material from Words of Hope for

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Iran in the Bible

Did you know that the Bible has a lot to say about Iran? In Bible times, present day Iran was called Persia. While today, Iran is ruled by an Islamic government that persecutes Christianity, in Bible times the rulers

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Bibles for Iran

Every year, Words of Hope smuggles thousands of Bibles inside the country of Iran.  In order to get Bibles into the country, Kurdish smugglers carry them on their backs over the mountains that border Iran. Often the Bibles are

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Prayer Guide

April 2024 Prayer Guide

INDONESIA — The Acehnese-speaking province of Aceh is a region of Sumatra where the majority of people are fanatic Muslims. In this area, Christianity does not have the freedom to carry out its activities as in other parts of

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Prayer Guide

March 2024 Prayer Guide

ENGLISH — Words of Hope is making the Easter devotionals from the daily devotional available as a free downloadable resource. This resource is being advertised widely. Pray with us that new people would discover this devotional set, and that

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woman praying

A Basic Plan for Daily Devotions

Spending time with God doesn’t have to be complicated. This basic plan for daily devotions will teach you how to communicate with God. Communication involves two basic elements—sending messages and receiving them. We share our life with God by

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