April 2024 Prayer Guide

INDONESIA — The Acehnese-speaking province of Aceh is a region of Sumatra where the majority of people are fanatic Muslims. In this area, Christianity does not have the freedom to carry out its activities as in other parts of Indonesia. Because Christian radio stations are not allowed on the mainland there, Words of Hope’s partners broadcast very carefully from a boat that moves along the beach and through the rivers in the Aceh region.

INDIA — Christian schools in some parts of India have been told to remove all Christian signage from their buildings and have been forbidden from offering prayers during the school day. Some are being accused of forcing children to convert to Christianity. Christianity is a minority religion in India, making up only 3% of the population. Pray for protection for those trying to honestly share their faith and build into the lives of children. 

BHUTAN — Praise the Lord that Mr. R. has accepted the Lord Jesus as his Savior. He attends a weekly Bible study led by one of Words of Hope’s producers. He works as a chef at a restaurant, and comes from a strong Hindu background. Learning about the different ways that Christ calls followers to himself helped Mr. R. realize that Jesus was calling him too. Pray for him as he fears that his family will not be accepting of his decision to follow Christ. 

ALBANIA — The team has started to record programs in the Albanian Gheg dialect, used primarily in northern Albania and Kosovo. Some radio programs that are now 15 years old are being redone in Gheg, which is the heart language of the people living in this area. Recording in Gheg does not change the content of the programs, but does change the way the speech sounds.  

NEPAL — Cross-Way, the church that we partner with in Nepal, has begun a new sermon series on the presence of God. The church is focusing on encouraging members to seek and desire God’s presence through prayer. Meanwhile, the church also continues to prioritize outreach, striving to be missional in the context of Kathmandu. Pray for a new church plant Cross-Way is starting in an area of Nepal where Christians face serious opposition.  

SOUTH SUDAN — Pray for the country of South Sudan, as elections will be held there this year. The peace agreement, which has held fairly stable for some time now, now requires further dialogue as citizens look ahead to these elections. Please pray that all parties involved in the oversight of ongoing peace in the country adhere to agreed upon timelines and schedules as they work toward the best way forward for the people. 

UGANDA — Our Rukiga language producer reports that the team successfully carried out two overnight radio programs recently. The producer led night prayers during the programs. “It is always a joy, yet also a humbling experience, as people call in giving their lives to Christ,” shares our producer. “This area of Uganda is on fire for Christ for sure because of the radio ministry.”

ENGLISH — We received the following note from a devotional reader: “Thank you for the latest devotional. Your devotional has been a pillar to my survival inside prison. Thank you and your financial partners for allowing me to receive the devotional at no cost to me.” We are grateful for the donations that allow us to make the daily devotional accessible to anyone who requests it. Pray that God continues to speak to people’s hearts through this resource. 

TURKEY — Continue to pray for outreach efforts in Turkey during the month-long celebration of Ramadan. Ramadan is considered the holiest month of the year for Muslims. It commemorates when Muslims believe the Quran was revealed to Muhammad. Pray that the Holy Spirit would work through the broadcasts to build bridges of understanding and to help Muslim listeners understand the necessity of Christ’s saving work on the cross. 

BHUTAN — Words of Hope’s Bhutanese ministry leader was recently invited to be the guest speaker for a children’s outreach program. He got to share the gospel with more than 150 children. Over 50 of them decided to give their lives to Christ. “The response was very good,” he says, “and I thank God for each child.” Pray that these children would hold fast to their decision to follow Christ in what can be a challenging environment for Christianity. 

NIGER — Our team in Niger recently organized a training for teachers and students at a Bible School. The team taught introductory computer courses, radio message preparation, and radio voicing techniques. The team was able to give people hands-on training. Because of cultural barriers that are often present, special care was taken to make sure that each of the women in the classes had a chance to become familiar with the equipment. 

IRAN — The Persian ministry team inside the country of Iran was able to distribute food supplies to people in need as a way of holistically celebrating the Persian New Year, Nowruz. The team reported that one family they visited had only a carafe of water in their home, and no food at all. Please pray for Iranians who are struggling to put food on the table. Pray that as the team distributes food aid, people would also come to know Jesus, the Bread of Life. 

About the Author

Claudia Elzinga