

Eyewitness reports from within the country have confirmed that a number of house churches are now meeting regularly, and that openness to the gospel and hunger for the Good News appear to be growing.

The broadcasts are providing the gospel message for people who live in otherwise hard to reach places. The use of radio in Bhutan has been very strategic. The country has always been staunchly Buddhist, and still is. Christianity meets with much opposition here. However, it is encouraging to know that there are many dedicated, committed believers who are working hard to spread the gospel.

Programming occurs three days a week with a 15-minute program which includes health topics, music, and a Christian message. Two Dzongkha women have recently joined with the producer as additional staff members. One assists in production of the program; the other records announcements, health segments, and songs. Listener follow up occurs when staff visit within the listening areas; interested persons are directed to associate themselves with those churches that are ready to accept them.

“I always thought Jesus was only for the people who were sick and needed healing. But attending this Bible study is helping me to clear my doubts and understand why Jesus came to this earth. I want to accept Jesus as my Savior.” — Bible study attendee


Bhutan is a small, poor, mountainous region in the eastern Himalaya Mountains. It is one of the least evangelized nations in the world. There are only a handful of native believers here. Buddhism is the accepted state religion. The nation was closed to any form of Christian witness until 1965. The nation’s stance on Christianity has softened somewhat since then. Their new constitution now provides for some religious freedom; however, construction permits are not granted for non-Buddhist places of worship, so Christians can only meet in their own homes.

Dzongkha is the official language of Bhutan, and is closely related to the Tibetan language. The word dzongkha means “the language of the fortress.”

Tshangla, also known as Sharchopka, is the heart language of the Sharchop people in Eastern Bhutan, a region where preaching of the gospel and planting churches is prohibited by law. Tshangla, spoken by 170,000 people, is an unwritten language — it has no alphabet and is not taught in schools. Half of Tshangla speakers are illiterate. The Sharchop people are considered Bhutan’s earliest residents and live along the mountain cliffs of the Himalayas and build their homes on stilts.

The Sharchop often use slash and burn methods for farming, planting rice in cleared sections of land for a period of time before moving on to the next field. The indigenous Sharchop people are marginalized and sometimes even persecuted by others in the community. There is a very small group of Christians in the area, and many more are seeking to know the truth. The only way to reach these seekers is through radio and webcasting. Words of Hope’s Tshangla ministry began in 2016.

The Tawang Monpa language (known as Dakpakha in Bhutan) is spoken by only a few small, isolated communities of indigenous peoples in Bhutan, India, and China. Almost all of these individuals are Buddhists; in Bhutan, there are virtually no Christians in these communities. Christians or seekers in these communities face serious persecution.

“Since this language is never written, it is very challenging to write programs,” shares our Tawang Monpa producer. “Even after writing, reading and recording is even more challenging. People are aware of the programs we produce and even if they know they are not so interested to listen to the gospel programs. They are very strong Buddhists. Please pray that God will prepare the hearts of the listeners.”

*coming soon*

Prayer Requests

  • Pray for our Dzongkha producer who works against many odds to take the gospel to the Bhutanese people.
  • Pray for the people of Bhutan to know Jesus Christ.

Stories from Bhutan

hands praying
Stories of Hope

Gahan’s Journey of Healing and Faith

A Words of Hope team member in Bhutan met a young man named Gahan who had been hospitalized with tuberculosis. Alone and in need of support, Gahan received prayers and

Stories of Hope

Courage to Evangelize

Pravin is a Words of Hope’s community development workers. He lives and works in Bhutan, a small South Asian country to the north of India. “I personally believe that the

bhutan temple
Stories of Hope

Faith Comes Through Hearing

A Bhutanese woman champions the gospel in her home village with the help of audio Bible recordings.  Following Christ’s Leading Many years ago, a lady named Choeden followed her husband


God’s Fruitful Word

Read: Isaiah 55 So shall my word be that goes out from my mouth; it shall not return to me empty. (v. 11) In the eastern part of Bhutan, an elderly

person praying
Stories of Hope

Supporting Ministry Leaders in Bhutan

During the pandemic, the Words of Hope team in Bhutan has focused on increasing coordination efforts with local church leaders online. Two times a week they host Zoom Bible study


Choosing to Suffer

Read: Ephesians 3:7-13 I ask you not to lose heart over what I am suffering. (v. 13) Hardly a day goes by that I do not have a conversation with