

Words of Hope has been helping to produce radio programs in the Nepali language since the 1980s. In the country of Nepal, we have partnered with Cross-Way Church for radio broadcasting since 2009.

Nepal is a hard place to do ministry. This mountainous country is home to eight of the ten highest peaks in the world, making distance a real barrier to spreading the gospel. The first church was formed in Nepal in 1952 with just 25 Christians. Successful church planting has seen this number grow quickly, but leadership training is urgently needed among these fledgling Christian communities.

Illiteracy is also a problem in Nepal, with less than half of the population able to read or write. Words of Hope donors are having a positive impact in the country of Nepal as they come alongside Cross-Way Church to expand the reach of the gospel through media and holistic aid efforts. Donations allow Cross-Way Church to better the community around it in practical ways, and utilize radio and video recording to train up new pastors and nurture church groups in hard-to-reach areas.

Nepali kids pose for picture

“There are many who are seeking Jesus every day. We are blessed to see the work of God in transforming lives even in the midst of the global pandemic. We are not able to visit people, but people call and seek help from the church—giving us the opportunity to reach them.” — Nepali producer


The vast majority of Nepalis adhere to the Hindu religion. There is also a subset of Buddhist followers in the country. Only about 1% of the population identifies as Christian, and new laws against conversion in Nepal make it a very difficult place to share the gospel. The Words of Hope Nepali team attempts to share the love of Christ wisely and carefully through radio programs and CDs. These resources can reach individuals who have never heard the gospel story before. Media also assists in the process of training new church leaders to shepherd church plants in currently unreached areas.

The Helambu Sherpa language is similar to Tibetan. The Sherpas migrated from Tibet to Nepal in the 15th century, and Tibetans and Sherpas can still communicate on a very basic level.

The Sherpa people are a small group of only a few thousand speakers. They are 97% Buddhist, and live in the Himalayas. Their primary source of income comes from leading people on treks through the mountains, and providing these tourists with food and lodging. 

Prayer Requests

  • Pray that the power of the gospel would reach the hearts of many more listeners and that they would find hope in Jesus Christ.
  • Pray for ongoing church planting efforts.
  • Pray for continuing relief and rebuilding efforts following the devastating 2015 earthquakes.

Stories from Nepal

Stories of Hope

Helambu Sherpa Language

Words of Hope Nepal is introducing a new broadcast program in the Helambu Sherpa language. Words of Hope’s Nepali ministry director first met a Sherpa pastor in 2013 while visiting


True Beauty

Read: Revelation 21:1-8 And he who was seated on the throne said, “Behold, I am making all things new.” (v. 5) Sadar was born blind in the country of Nepal.


Building the Church in Nepal

Cross-Way Church in Kathmandu, Nepal is using media to build up a new generation of church leaders. Cross-Way’s aim is to plant Christ-centered churches in all 75 districts of Nepal. Words

Nepali kids pose for picture

Nepal After the Earthquake

On April 25, 2015, a 7.8 magnitude earthquake struck Nepal. Words of Hope’s Nepali Director Arbin Pokharel recounts his first-hand experience of the earthquake and how his church has been