
Stories of Hope

Stories from our ministry fields around the world.

coffee cup phone and journal on table
Prayer Guide

December Prayer Guide 2020

NEPAL — Please pray for families in Nepal who are once again being impacted by flooding. In the last few days, we received word from our ministry leader that 84 families lost their homes and 31 people were killed. Many

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Young indian man posing in front of ambulance

Gospel on Wheels

Hari is an ambulance driver in Udhampur, India. Ambulances are always in high demand and short supply in India, but these days Hari receives more calls than ever.  As India’s healthcare system continues to be stretched to the limit

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Radio Still Effective

While in many areas, Words of Hope is expanding into new forms of media in order to share the gospel, we often hear stories of ways in which radio continues to reach out to people in special ways as well.

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hands praying over open Bible
Prayer Guide

November Prayer Guide 2020

INDONESIA — Pray for radio program outreach in Indonesia. Words of Hope broadcasts in a variety of small local languages. These localized programs foster a sense of pride in the listeners, who are then more likely to repeatedly listen, watch,

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woman reading open bible
Prayer Guide

October Prayer Guide 2020

TURKEY — Give thanks for this positive update from our radio station partners in Turkey: “This month, we have seen a large increase in the number of people contacting our team. They come from posts on social media, which elicit

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close up of hands folded praying
Prayer Guide

September Prayer Guide 2020

IRAN — Give thanks that the book, Why Doesn’t God Act More Like God?, which was written by former Words of Hope president Rev. David Bast, is now being repurposed into content for Iranian speakers. Our team is receiving many

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two women studying
Prayer Guide

August Prayer Guide 2020

TURKEY — Give thanks with us that 11 new believers were baptized in our Turkish Director’s church. He writes, “I sense the desire to be physically and emotionally present with each other growing around me. I am grateful that more

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two women studying
Prayer Guide

July Prayer Guide 2020

ALBANIA — Give thanks for the following note from a listener named Alma. “Hello, Words of Hope Albania. Thank you so much for the blessed work you do. I am uplifted and filled with joy by the message of your

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two women studying
Prayer Guide

June Prayer Guide 2020

NIGER — Pray for a retired soldier named Mahamadou who started listening to the broadcasts. At first he listened secretly, fearful and ashamed of what Muslim friends and neighbors might think if they overheard him. Now, however, he is listening

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