
Stories of Hope

Stories from our ministry fields around the world.

children in uganda

The Journey to Nebbi

In which Daniel, Jon, and Megan travel to northwestern Uganda to visit a new Words of Hope radio station, and nearly get washed away enroute.  The day was mild and sunny as we set out for the Nebbi region

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The Joy of Hospitality

As you welcome people into your home and life this holiday season, we invite you to consider how to let go of guilt and find joy in hospitality. Reflect on the Biblical invitation to hospitality with the Words of

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Prayer Guide

November 2022 Prayer Guide

INDIA — Give thanks for all of the outreach programs currently taking place in India. Seekers meetings and follow-up across the country are leading new believers to Christ. In addition to this, in-person discipleship conferences are being held to

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Prayer Guide

October 2022 Prayer Guide

IRAN — Give thanks for the conclusion of another successful discipleship conference held at a safe location outside the country of Iran. Iranian Christians had the opportunity to be baptized and share communion together. All participants were able to

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India womens sewing group

Women’s Sewing Center

In Lohardaga, India, Words of Hope operates a training center to teach women living in poverty how to sew, tailor clothing, and knit. This hands-on ministry provides women with a marketable skill so that they can provide for themselves

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Ongoing Education for Iranian Christians

Words of Hope’s Persian discipleship classes exist to give Iranian believers a safe space to grow in their faith alongside other Christians. The conferences also provide training for lay pastors. While churches are closed officially inside of Iran, many

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hands reading bible

Bibles for Iran

Iran is one of the most dangerous countries for Christian converts in the world. There, new believers are at risk of persecution if their decision to follow Christ becomes known to the wrong people. Yet these sincere brothers and

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african child praying
Prayer Guide

September 2022 Prayer Guide

INDONESIA — Pray for the young people who participate in the Booming Youth Community. The community members worship and study the Bible together. Pray that as they meet, the young people will come to know and love God more.

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