Lent: A Season of Reflection and Preparation

Lent Devotional: A Daily Guide for the Journey

Throughout Lent, our devotional readings will focus on the gospel accounts of Jesus’s passion, beginning with what some call the “Fifth Gospel”—the book of Isaiah. 

This year’s devotional includes both new reflections and timeless devotionals from past series, exploring themes of faith, trust, wisdom, and the fear of the Lord.

Through daily Scripture readings, prayer, and reflection, we invite you to walk with Christ—from the Upper Room to the empty tomb—as we prepare to celebrate his resurrection.

Readings for Lent

Deepen your time with God through a curated selection of Lenten Bible readings. These passages will help you reflect on Christ’s journey to the cross and what his sacrifice means for us today.

📖 Themes include:
✔️ The Prophecies of Isaiah
✔️ Jesus’s Teachings on Faith and Trust
✔️ His Final Hours and the Road to the Cross

Join Us in the Journey

Lent is an invitation to slow down, reflect, and prepare our hearts for Easter. As we walk this road together, we encourage you to sign up for our daily Lent devotional emails and engage with our Lent resources.

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