
Worship Regularly

Read: Hebrews 10:19-25

. . . not neglecting to meet together, as is the habit of some. (v. 25)

Some people woke up on this Sunday morning in parts of the world where it is illegal to publicly gather for worship. Others woke up in prison with limited opportunities to worship. Most people woke up with the freedom and option of attending a local church. If able, are you taking advantage of that opportunity or have you gotten out of the habit of worshiping regularly?

Today’s passage reminds us that even in the years of the early church, not long after the Holy Spirit came at Pentecost and visible miracles were happening in their midst, people neglected to meet together. They needed Christian community just like us. We need to receive and offer encouragement (vv. 24-25). We need accountability as we face temptation. A church is made up of sinful people, so there is no perfect church. Yet, Jesus established his church and wants us to be an active part of it.

Worship attendance in most locations is on the decline. People give many reasons for this, but are these reasons valid or do they just reveal misplaced priorities? If you are a parent, deciding not to be involved in a church and neglecting to worship regularly can negatively affect the opportunity your children have to hear about Jesus and grow in their faith. Is it time you resolve to find a solid Bible-based church that will help you love and live for Jesus and start worshiping there regularly?

As you pray, ask God to help you keep a right perspective on worship and the church.

About the Author

Steve Petroelje

Rev. Steve Petroelje is a specialized transition pastor who serves vacant churches and helps them assess health, pursue missional effectiveness, and conduct a pastoral search process. He is the past-president of the Words of Hope Board of Trustees.

This entry is part 5 of 13 in the series Biblical Resolutions