Reaching Far for Christ

Read: Philippians 1:12-18; 2 Corinthians 4:1-10

It has become known throughout the whole imperial guard . . . that my imprisonment is for Christ. (v. 13)

The Roman imperial guard was an elite group of 9,000 soldiers who served as a special bodyguard for Caesar. Paul, as a prisoner under house arrest somewhere in or near Rome, was guarded around the clock by these men. Every four hours, the shift changed and a new soldier appeared. Imagine trying to rest or sleep with that schedule.

But if you want to feel sorry for anyone, feel sorry for the soldiers. Here they are trying to be nice, pagan, military tough guys, and they end up chained to Paul.

Imagine a guard coming on duty. He really has no idea who Paul is, so he asks, “Why are you here?” That’s all the opening the apostle needed! Paul undoubtedly talked to his guards about Jesus—his life, death, resurrection, and ascension. He probably talked about his own past life, when he lived to eradicate the name of Christ. Paul would have spoken of the cross and the forgiveness of sin and how they—the Roman guards—could find that forgiveness if they would embrace by faith Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior. Incredible! Right under the nose of the Roman emperor, the good news of the gospel spread throughout the imperial guard.

God can use our difficult circumstances to extend the gospel’s reach.

As you pray, ask God to use your difficult circumstances for his glory.

About the Author

David Walls

David Walls is a pastor and writer who has served in ministry for more than 40 years.

This entry is part 9 of 31 in the series Philippians: To All the Saints