May 2023 Prayer Guide

INDIA — Our producer in Jammu and Kashmir writes: “Praise God for the great results of our labor in the Lord. Many people have received healing, deliverance, and real joy in the Lord. We had a three-day seekers’ meeting in a village. More than 50 people participated in the meeting, and six new people attended the meeting. All six new people have accepted Jesus as their Lord, and for the first time they attended the local church.”

ALBANIA — Our director in Albania writes: “Oftentimes we receive messages—even privately sent to our staff members or through social media platforms—telling us of the impact the testimonies and stories of other believers have had in their lives. It is amazing to see how God works through our lives and through our testimony, especially when we think that our story is just a normal, simple, not out of this world testimony.”

TURKEY — Continue to pray for people in the country of Turkey as they piece their lives back together following the earthquakes. The media team we partner with in the country is assisting with relief efforts. They report that there is an ongoing need for supplies like clothing and diapers. They are setting up small sheds with insulation to serve as temporary shelters for families. 

SOUTH SUDAN — The government run FM station in South Sudan used to air Words of Hope programs four days per week. But the radio station is dealing with aging equipment, and has now cut Words of Hope broadcasts to only once each week on Sunday. Pray with us for solutions so that we will be able to broadcast more regularly throughout the country of South Sudan once again. 

INDONESIA — Give thanks for new broadcasts in the Poso language. These programs are translated by a husband and wife pastor team. Poso, otherwise known as Bajau, is spoken by approximately 50,000 people in Indonesia. Many Poso speakers live on the water, either in houses built on stilts, or in house boats that accommodate frequent fishing. They are primarily Muslim, with less than 1% of the population believing in Christ at this time.

NIGER — One of our producers in Niger writes: “We bless the Lord for all his support and direction in different aspects. Despite the religious context of our country, we always have the freedom to testify to our faith in Christ and to share the gospel by all means.” The team recently had the opportunity to organize screening sessions of the Jesus Film in Niamey over the course of three days. Hundreds of people heard the gospel message during this time. 

IRAN — Continue to pray for freedom from oppression for the people of Iran. Rather than loosening restrictions on head coverings for women, the government is now installing video cameras for 24/7 head covering surveillance. Pray for Words of Hope team members inside the country, that they would be given wisdom to respond to this oppression in the right way. Join us in praying for more religious and personal freedoms in this hard place. 

BHUTAN — We give thanks that three new house churches have started recently in Bhutan. Pray that these new communities of faith will grow in their knowledge and understanding of the gospel as they meet together. These new fellowships also bring opportunities for leadership development and mentoring. Pray for wisdom for the Words of Hope team as they work to equip these new congregations to be even more effective in their Christian service and outreach.  

INDONESIA — We give thanks with a listener in Indonesia, named Arum, who responded to the program, “God Gives More Than We Ask.” Arum says that God answered her prayers so that she was able to continue her studies. Her father died when she was in ninth grade. She and her mother lived in a rented house, and Arum thought she would no longer be able to afford school. Her mother managed until Arum received a full scholarship. Thanks be to God for his provision. 

NEPAL — Pray for the Words of Hope team as they embark on a mission trip across the country of Nepal. Pray for protection and guidance. We believe that God is going before the team to prepare the way. May Christ’s love shine through the team members as they share about Christ. Pray too for the people the team interacts with, that they would receive the gospel message with open hearts and minds.

UGANDA — We give thanks for a successful training session led by the Words of Hope Uganda team to equip radio stations, pastors, and congregations, to more effectively follow up with radio listeners. The goal is to lean into discipleship efforts that will help people grow in their faith. The team emphasized the importance of including phone numbers for follow-up in all radio programs, so that people can be mentored after making a decision for Christ. 

ENGLISH — Members of the Words of Hope team recently completed a series of training sessions about effective online advertising. Pray for wisdom and creativity for the team to put the learning into practice as a way to expand the reach of the Words of Hope daily devotional. Pray that the advertisements would reach people who will be helped by the resources, and that more people will both subscribe to the devotional and support the ministry.

About the Author

Claudia Elzinga