
November 2022 Prayer Guide

INDIA — Give thanks for all of the outreach programs currently taking place in India. Seekers meetings and follow-up across the country are leading new believers to Christ. In addition to this, in-person discipleship conferences are being held to help train lay leaders. These conferences are interdenominational and are drawing the church together. A key area of focus in these conferences is training for outreach to young people. 

ENGLISH — Give thanks that advertising efforts are bringing awareness of Words of Hope’s devotional resources to new people. Pray with us that these people would grow in their faith as they engage daily with Scripture. Pray too that these same people would come to understand how they can both bless and learn from the global church as together we work to share the hope of Christ near and far. 

INDONESIA — Program translation into many different languages is an ongoing process for Words of Hope Indonesia’s partners. Some translators have recently stopped working with us, while a few new translators have also joined. Pray for stability in the program planning, that the right people for the team would be found, and that they would be able to stay for longer periods of time. 

ALBANIA — Pray for a growing partnership between our ministry team in Albania and church planting groups in Germany working with Albanian immigrants. The church planters are using Words of Hope Albania resources for evangelism and discipleship. We are thankful for such opportunities to work with like-minded partners to make the Word of God accessible to people in their own language no matter where they live. 

TURKEY — Our radio station partner in Turkey sends this update and prayer request: “The Lord is faithful in every season, including ones of changes and challenges . . . . Turkey is under a lot of spiritual warfare, proof that great victories are being achieved in Christ’s name. This spiritual attack has shown itself through physical ailments suffered by our staff and their families, familial and relational problems, and general problems.” Pray for God’s restoration in Turkey!

NIGER — Words of Hope Niger once again has an opportunity to distribute SD cards containing gospel programming as follow-up for individuals receiving cataract surgery through an eye care mission team. Pray that each person who has surgery and receives this Bible resource would experience the blessing of restored vision physically, as well as having their spiritual eyes opened to God’s love for them. 

UGANDA — Pray for the upcoming travel of three members of the Words of Hope team to the country of Uganda. During this time, there will be a special gathering of Bari-Kuku people to celebrate fifteen years of broadcasting in their language. They are also dedicating a Bari-Kuku Scripture translation for the tribe. It is amazing to see how God has been at work these past fifteen years!

BHUTAN — We give thanks that our team in Bhutan is once again able to hold trainings and seminars in person after two years of pandemic restrictions. Pray for new ministry opportunities in the neighboring Indian states of Sikkim and West Bengal, which lie to the west of Bhutan. The Lord is opening doors in these places, and our Bhutanese ministry team is excited and thankful to pursue the Lord’s leading.

TURKEY — Give thanks for a refreshing time of furlough for Words of Hope’s director of Turkish ministry. He recently had the opportunity to visit family, friends, churches, and Words of Hope donors in the United States. We are thankful for the ways in which he challenges his listeners to be mission focused and diligent about proclaiming the gospel in whatever their mission field may be. 

IRAN — Continue in prayer for the country of Iran amidst prolonged protests and unrest. A young woman died while in police custody in Iran, having been arrested because of “insufficient head covering.” This has led to protests across the country. The government is cracking down on the protests, and there have been many arrests and deaths. Words of Hope listeners in Iran have been beaten and imprisoned as well. Pray for freedom for Iranians. 

SOUTH SUDAN — Conflict in South Sudan continues. It is an increasingly complex situation, and sadly, suffering remains intense for civilians in the region. The UN and other international groups are urging the leaders of South Sudan to speed up the implementation of a peace agreement, noting that every day of delay means more lives are lost. Pray that those in power would choose to do the right thing for the people they lead.

NEPAL — Give thanks that lives are being changed in Nepal. Last month, seven new believers were baptized. A discipleship conference was also held for young people. Some of the attendees hiked on foot for six hours in order to reach this time of worship and teaching. Praise the Lord that people are so hungry to hear the gospel! Pray that God will work mightily in the lives of these young people and new believers.