Read: Luke 11:9-13
The heavenly Father [will] give the Holy Spirit to those who ask him! (v. 13)
Parenting coach and therapist Mary Van Geffen said in a 2021 Instagram post: “We use words to build each other up and ask for what we want!” This strikes me as a radical—and refreshing—idea. Parental discouragement gave generations of people like me a deep reluctance to ever ask for what we wanted.
This reluctance can make its way into our relationship with God. We often think that God is unconcerned with our deepest needs and desires. We may even think it inappropriate to ask God for what we want. Jesus teaches that nothing could be further from the truth. Jesus not only refers to God as his Father. Jesus tells us to think of God as our Father too. To paraphrase, Jesus adds, “If you, though you are evil, delight in giving good gifts to your children, how much more does the heavenly Father delight in giving you—his children—the very best?”
But what is the very best we can ask of our heavenly Father? We so quickly settle for second best: cars, careers, cash, and all the other fleeting things of this fallen world. Our Father has in mind something infinitely better: himself. By his Holy Spirit, God offers to place his limitless love and life in our hearts. If you want the very best of what your Father has to offer, ask in Jesus’ name. He freely gives his Holy Spirit to any, and all, who ask. —Ben Van Arragon
As you pray, ask God to give you the gift of his Holy Spirit.
About the Author

Ben Van Arragon
Ben Van Arragon is a preacher and writer based in Grand Rapids, Michigan. He preaches and teaches the Bible in church, online, and anywhere else he has the opportunity.
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