The Spirit Testifies

Read: Romans 8:14-17

The Spirit himself testifies with our spirit that we are God’s children. (v. 16 NIV)

There is a big difference between being included and belonging. For example, I can attend church and feel included in worship through my participation of singing, praying and receiving communion in the Lord’s Supper. But I can leave the service without having had any meaningful conversation with others, any real connection to the church family. At my church, when I became involved, got to know other people, attended activities and Bible studies, then I felt like I belonged.

In God’s family, we truly belong. We are not only adopted into God’s family—we belong there. When we receive Christ as our Savior, the Spirit that comes and lives in us also testifies within us that we are children of God. God accepts and loves us unconditionally. We will not only be seen, but heard, and more importantly, we will feel like we belong because of our adoption into sonship. Because of this, we cry, “Abba, Father”—meaning, “Daddy God!”

Because every believer in Jesus is known intimately as a child of God, we will not only be included “at the Lord’s table,” but there also will be a feast for us in the kingdom of God (see Luke 13:29). It will be evident that we belong in God’s family at his table, and in his kingdom. And it is the Spirit that testifies with our spirit that this is true. —Nancy Boote

As you pray, give thanks that you are a child of God!

About the Author

Nancy Boote

Nancy Boote, an ordained minister in the Reformed Church of America, lives in Holland, Michigan, with her husband. Besides being a mother, a grandmother, a song writer, and lover of horses, Nancy also has a heart for prayer and seeing racism dismantled.