
Created by God

Read: Psalm 139

For you created my inmost being; you knit me together in my mother’s womb. (v. 13 NIV)

Adoptees of my generation usually do not know their birth mothers. For a long time, this was true for me. Knowing that the Lord carefully formed me and knit me together in my birth mother’s womb comforted me. I didn’t know my birth mother, but God did. He was there when I was conceived. He was there as he shaped and formed me in my birth mother’s safe womb space. Even when she relinquished me for adoption, he was with me. He did not abandon me, his creation.

David also knew that the Lord was with him and would not abandon him. For he created him and knew him intimately. He was familiar with all his ways (v. 3). There was also no place that David could flee from the Lord’s presence (v. 7), neither in the heights nor in the depths, at the light of dawn or on the far side of the sea (vv. 8-9). The Lord was always with him. Even when he would awake, God was there (v. 18). The Lord did not abandon David, his creation.

In this devotional series, we will explore what it means to belong to God, our creator, and be loved by him. Psalm 139 reminds us that even before we were born, the Lord was with us. We belong to our heavenly Father, the one who created us. The Lord was and will always be with us for we are his children. —Nancy Boote

As you pray, thank God for creating you, his child.

About the Author

Nancy Boote, an ordained minister in the Reformed Church of America, lives in Holland, Michigan, with her husband.