March 2022 Prayer Guide

IRAN — Give thanks for a renewed partnership between Words of Hope’s Persian ministry team and Mohabat TV. The Mohabat TV channel provides a platform for transmission of high quality programming, suitable for viewing by all family members. This programming presents the gospel of Jesus Christ and his saving love for all peoples. The Words of Hope program that will be made available on this service is called “50 Reasons for Jesus’ Crucifixion.”  

UGANDA — Please pray for Jennifer, one of our Luganda program producers. She was in a serious car accident and required emergency surgery on her leg. Her leg was almost lost, but we give thanks that the doctors were able to repair it. She now faces a long recovery ahead. Remember her, her husband, and their small children in your prayers as Jennifer heals and returns to daily life. 

SOUTH SUDAN — The teams from Words of Hope South Sudan and Words Of Hope Uganda are meeting together in Rumbek, South Sudan, to discern the next steps in establishing a permanent radio station there. Pray for safe travel and wisdom. Ethnic violence continues to be a threat in South Sudan, where over 30 people were killed just last month when one tribe attacked another. Pray for peace. 

BHUTAN — We continue to thank the Lord for his faithfulness. Three new fellowships of Christian believers are meeting together in Bhutan. Many children and young people are coming forward to profess their faith in Christ. And a local congregation has outgrown the building in which they have been meeting. These signs of growth are an answer to prayer. Let’s ask God for help in stewarding the growth and expanding upon it. 

INDONESIA — Last October the Words of Hope Indonesia team aired the first episode of a devotional program in the Biak language. Now, however, problems have arisen with our liaison and translator, and the program has been temporarily halted. Pray that the team could find a solution. We are thankful that community groups in the area are still meeting together and visiting one another. 

NEPAL — Remember in prayer our church and ministry partners in Nepal as increased COVID-19 spread has forced them to move back to streaming church services online. While we are thankful for the technology that allows Christians to stay connected even during such times, we long for the day when such precautions are no longer needed. Pray for a return to in-person celebrations of worship in Nepal soon!

TURKEY — Words of Hope’s director in Turkey shares that one of his goals for 2022 is to continue toward the same vision that he has had for 21 years—to bring access to Christian radio broadcasting to the entire country of Turkey. To that end he is working alongside Shema Media Group. Let’s pray for more advancements toward achieving this vision, so that many more people can come to hear the good news. 

INDIA — Our director in South Asia writes: “The year 2021 ended with many activities where our field staff witnessed the presence and providence of God. We are now focusing on evaluation, planning, and preparing the budget. We are still prayerfully waiting for the government to approve our registration to receive foreign funding.” Let’s pray that all goes smoothly as the team works out plans for their next fiscal year. 

NIGER — One of our Nigerien producers writes: “I would like to say thank you to the Lord for his guidance and protection in my life and that of my family. God has kept us healthy, and our children are continuing their education. In the production of programs, I see the hand of the Lord. Electricity is stable with the use of the generator set. We have good communication as a staff.” Praise the Lord for this good report!

SOUTH SUDAN — According to the United Nations, violence against civilians in South Sudan decreased by 42% in 2021 when compared to 2020. The number of individual incidents of violence remains unacceptably high, however, with a total of more than 3000 killings, injuries, abductions, and conflict-related sexual violence reported in the country in the past year. Men, women, and children have all suffered.

ENGLISH — Give thanks for the launch of a new children’s Sunday school curriculum called “One Faith.” This five-week course uses videos, discussion questions, crafts, songs, and memory verses, to teach children about the life of faith and the global church. Pray that this new resource will be helpful for churches in teaching children about God’s love for all of his children—near and far!

ALBANIA — Our director in Albania writes, “We had some great conversations with pastors and leaders during the general assembly of the Albania Evangelical Alliance. This was an opportunity to share more of our resources and listen to the current needs and challenges facing the local church. This was greatly beneficial to our team—giving us a clear picture of the current reality and the potential to serve better through our programs and resources.”