A Blanket of Fog

Read: Acts 12:5-11

Hear the cry and the prayer that your servant is praying in your presence this day. (1 Kings 8:28 NIV)

It was the late-1990s. Zapatista rebels had seized the Tzeltal Bible Center in Chiapas. Martin and Rosa’s small ranch shared a boundary with the school that was invaded by the Zapatistas. This made Martin’s herd of cattle vulnerable, so he decided to sell a truckload of them. He had contracted a truck to come at 5:30 the next morning.

As daylight faded, Martin noticed several of the armed rebels, standing guard on their side of the fence, looking at the cattle in his corral. Martin and Rosa prayed through the night.

The night became very cold. A heavy fog formed in the valley. One by one, the Zapatista rebels returned to the warmth of the Bible School dormitory. Martin and Rosa continued praying that the truck would arrive on time and that the cattle would load quietly.

The truck did not arrive at 5:30 the next morning. At 6:00 daylight dawned but still no truck. Finally, at 6:30, the truck arrived. Although it was light outside, thick fog hung low to the ground. The cows were quietly loaded. Not one animal made a sound. As the truck pulled away from the corral, the fog began to lift. The herd was gone, undetected by the rebels, and Martin and Rosa’s income was secured. —Helen Hofman

As you pray, praise God for answered prayers. Share your needs with him.

About the Author

Helen Hofman

Helen Hofman is a retired missionary. She and her husband Sam worked with the Tzeltal and Tojolabal Indians of Chiapas, Mexico for more than forty years. In their work, they helped set up a Bible School to train the Tzeltals, taught in the Bible School, prepared Sunday School materials, textbooks, hymnals and audiovisuals. They also coordinated the translation of the Amatenango Tzeltal New Testament and the revision of the highland Tzeltal Bible.

