
Great Light in the Darkness

Read: Matthew 4:12-17

The people dwelling in darkness have seen a great light. (v. 16)

Epiphany is known as the “season of light,” yet is celebrated in the darkest days of the northern hemisphere. Such a season marked the visit of the wise men to worship Jesus, the “great light” who has illuminated a formerly dark landscape. God, who is light (1 John 1:5), comes wrapped in the flesh of a human being, and why? So the world can get to know God in person.

Hebrews puts it like this: “[Jesus] is the radiance of the glory of God and the exact imprint of his nature” (Hebrews 1:3).

Jesus came to exactly represent his Father to the whole world. “I am the light of the world,” he boldly declared at the temple one day. “Whoever follows me will not walk in darkness, but will have the light of life” (John 8:12). Jesus and God and the Spirit are all inexorably wrapped up in light, and it is a light that gives life. But the story gets better: Jesus is also able, having lived as a human, to represent us exactly before his Father. Jesus, who sheds light on God’s nature for us, also sheds light on our condition as humans for God.

Following the “great light” is our highest aim as followers of Christ. Being found in his light is knowing God in person, pushing back darkness, finding life. —Amy Clemens

As you pray, give thanks to our great High Priest, who came, wrapped in flesh, to give us a glimpse of God, light in the darkness, and now intervenes for us before God.

About the Author

amy clemens

With a bachelors in journalism from Texas Tech University and a masters from Western Theological Seminary, Amy Clemens enjoys all things writing, particularly about the life of faith. She is blessed with a family that includes husband Fred, five children, and five grandchildren.

Amy has just published her first book, "Walking When You'd Rather Fly: Meditations on Faith After the Fall," which weaves her journey from childhood abuse toward healing and spiritual growth with a practical theology for the big story of God. You can find out more about the book and author at walkingwhenyoudratherfly.com.

This entry is part 14 of 19 in the series Light in the Darkness
