
The Other Helper

Read: John 14:15-21

I will ask the Father, and he will give you another Helper. (v. 16)

When I was a new homeowner, I tried my hand at home repair. I sought help at a home improvement superstore. The older employee to whom I appealed was blunt in his assessment of my mistakes and uncharitable in his correction. Thankfully, I had another helper: an experienced friend who was willing to come alongside and do the work with me.

The Christian life can also feel lonely at times. We’re called to live with Christlikeness in a world that neither respects Christ nor understands our commitment. Sometimes I find I don’t even know how to meet the earthly demands of home and school and work on my own. The lofty demands of Christ’s heavenly calling feel impossible if faced alone.

At the Last Supper, Jesus prepared his disciples for his death, resurrection, and ascension. After three years of Jesus’ constant presence, his friends and followers were forced to carry on without him. However, before his departure, Jesus promises the disciples “another Helper” (v. 16). The Greek word for “helper” is paraklētos. It can be translated “counselor,” “advocate,” or even “comforter.” It means “one who instructs and encourages with you.” Jesus would never leave his disciples alone. In fact, he provides a way to be even more profoundly with them than when he was present in the body. Through his Holy Spirit, Jesus gives every disciple his very self. The Holy Spirit is the help, encouragement, and comfort of the Savior, always with us. —Ben Van Arragon

As you pray, commit your cares and concerns to “the other Helper.”

About the Author

Ben Van Arragon is the Minister of Worship and Leadership at Plymouth Heights Christian Reformed Church in Grand Rapids, Michigan. He preaches and teaches the Bible in church, online, and anywhere else he has the opportunity.