
Read the Bible in a Year

with Fifth Reformed Church

In 2024, Fifth Reformed is reading the Bible together. We will be using the book Read the Bible in a Year from Words of Hope to guide our Bible reading. 

Read the Bible in a Year includes a Bible reading for each day and a short devotional to help you understand and apply the reading to your life. You will need a copy of the Bible to use along with the Read the Bible in a Year devotional book. 

There are three ways you can participate:

  1. Pick up a print copy of Read the Bible in a Year from the church office, or order your copy from Amazon.
  2. Download the Words of Hope app from the App Store or Google Play store. Just search for “Words of Hope mobile.” All of the daily Bible readings and devotionals are in the Read the Bible in a Year tab.
  3. Sign up using the form below to receive each day’s Bible reading and devotional in your email. This email service has been set up for Fifth Reformed Church so that even if you sign up after January 1, you’ll receive the same daily Bible reading and devotional as the rest of the church—so please use this form and not Words of Hope’s other email signups. 

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with Fifth Reformed Church

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“But the one who received the seed that fell on good soil is the man who hears the word and understands it. He produces a crop, yielding a hundred, sixty or thirty times what was sown.”