
August 2023 Prayer Guide

INDIA — Words of Hope in India is engaged in many community development projects. Through these projects, the team seeks to reach out to benefit needy individuals in the community with the love and compassion of Jesus. This year, another Words of Hope tailoring center was opened in the Garhwali region. Twenty women have enrolled at the center to be trained in sewing techniques that will help them earn a living wage. 

TURKEY — Our partners in Turkey report that even on hard days they are encouraged when they hear from listeners and followers. A recent note to the station said: “I love listening to your station. Thank you for sharing the channel with me. Even though I am not a Christian, I listen to your radio because it touches the soul and has high quality.” Let’s pray that this listener’s heart will be opened to the saving power of Christ. 

NIGER — Words of Hope’s team leader in Niger writes: “The work of the Lord goes forward despite obstacles and persecutions. In all Muslim-majority countries, the progress of the gospel is slow despite all the efforts made by national and local churches and their partners. What gives serenity and courage to go forward is the promises of our Lord.” Pray for the ongoing distribution of SD cards containing gospel content in this area. 

NEPAL — Give thanks that our team in Nepal had the opportunity to coordinate a Worship Renewal Conference in partnership with the Calvin Institute for Christian Worship. The conference was attended by over 200 Nepali pastors and worship directors. The theme of the conference was, “Laying Foundations for Christian Worship in Nepali Churches.” Main sessions highlighted many topics related to Christian worship in Nepal. 

INDONESIA — The team in Indonesia coordinates discussion themes for the radio listener communities in the country. One recent topic of discussion was about the resurrection of Christ, and the impact this has on the daily lives of believers. Group members were encouraged to consider that, though as disciples we still face experiences that shake us to the core, we can find meaning and hope in the divinity of Christ and his resurrection.

UGANDA — Words of Hope Uganda is helping to organize the first ever New Testament translation of the Kuku tribal language. The Kuku people have been marginalized for many years. Many of them do not have adequate access to jobs or education. The Words of Hope broadcasts were the first radio broadcasts in the Kuku language. Now, translation of the gospel of Luke has been completed!

IRAN — Give thanks for the safe and successful conclusion to another Words of Hope Persian discipleship conference. Iranian Christians had the opportunity to be baptized and celebrate the Lord’s Supper together. We pray for the individuals and families as they return to their home country where they must again face persecution and seclusion. Pray that their faith would be strengthened and that they would be kept safe. 

NEPAL — Our ministry team in Nepal shares that it is often difficult for them to follow up with new radio program listeners. Many new listeners come from families with religious backgrounds such that the listeners do all they can to keep their interest in Christianity secret. They hide while listening to the programs, and do not want to receive phone calls because they do not want to be overheard. Pray that the team would find ways to reach these new followers. 

SOUTH SUDAN — Continue to pray for the country of South Sudan as they receive refugees from neighboring Sudan. Leadership in South Sudan has reported that they are running out of funding to take care of all the people arriving. So far 175,000 people have entered the country, and the number is expected to increase to as many as 500,000. Pray for wisdom and provision to help all those fleeing conflict. 

ALBANIA — Our Albanian ministry director writes: “In today’s busy highway of online digital information, it is no wonder we sometimes are reluctant to share our own material on the big world wide web. But, God says that his Word will not return void. And the best part of our job is that we do not seek, or at least, we are not to seek our own exaltation, but to give the glory to God with everything that we do. And God will stir people’s hearts.”

BHUTAN — Pray for communities in Bhutan that have experienced incessant rainfall and flash floods this summer. Rivers are overflowing, and the water is entering buildings. Our team has prayer centers located in some of these areas. A few of the team members live in affected areas as well. Please be in prayer for God’s protection in the midst of these disasters, and pray that the prayer centers would not be damaged. 
ENGLISH — Words of Hope sends bulk supplies of devotionals to businesses and churches that request them for giveaway distribution. We were delighted to recently receive a call from a restaurant. They told us that they have been going through the devotionals so quickly, they need us to increase their bulk shipment. Pray with us for each person who picks up one of these devotionals, that God would speak to their hearts today.