One Faith Curriculum

Thank you for choosing Words of Hope’s One Faith curriculum for your children.

If you have not yet signed up for the One Faith curriculum from Words of Hope, please click the button below first. We offer the One Faith curriculum for a small donation, and we'd love to connect more with you. If you have already signed up, please feel free to download materials below.

All materials are linked below. Each lesson file includes a leader guide, craft guide, and parent guide. Click on the button to download the pdf, and then choose which pages to print. 

  • The Leader Guide gives a lesson plan, including discussion questions, songs, and games to play.
  • The Craft Guide gives detailed craft instructions and occasionally printed craft materials.
  • The Parent Guide can be shared with parents after the lesson, if you are doing these lessons in a Sunday School or other group environment.
  • Videos are hosted on YouTube, and can be found by following the link. 

We hope that this resource will help you and your children grow in faith with Words of Hope! If you have any questions, contact Christy Prins at

Lesson #1: One Church

This lesson examines how the Church looks different all around the world, but even so, we all follow one Jesus.

Lesson #2: One World

This lesson reminds children that the world is a big, big place, but that, in Christ, we have brothers and sisters all around the world.

Lesson #3: One Love

This lesson asks children to think about how love first moves from Christ to us, and then from our hearts out into the world!

Lesson #4: One Voice

This lesson wonders about how we can tell people on the other side of the world about Jesus’ love; both with our actions, but also our voices.

Lesson #5: One Heart

This lesson teaches children that no matter where they live, or what language they speak, Christ loves them.