
Words of Hope provides people both near and far with daily access to God's Word.



Transformed Landscape

Read: Joshua 1:1-9 Be strong and courageous. Do not be frightened, and do not be dismayed, for the LORD your God is with you wherever you go. (v. 9) On October 10, 2018, Michael slammed into the Florida gulf-coastline as a Category 4 hurricane with 155 mph winds. The tiny town of Mexico Beach was ravaged. Blocks of buildings were wiped away, with only littered foundations as evidence they had existed. An RV park looked like a child’s cast-off toys. The public pier and entire streets were washed away. Debris was everywhere. Sometimes, storms in our lives drastically transform our landscape, causing us to lose perspective. Major changes like changing jobs, parenthood, disability, moving across the country, retirement, or the death of a loved one can leave us feeling adrift from recognizable landmarks. When Joshua led the

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Grow In Faith and Share It Worldwide

All people in all places should have access to God’s Word. With Words of Hope, you can grow in faith by connecting daily to the truths of Scripture with our daily devotional and by sending God’s good news worldwide through all forms of media.


Stories of Hope

Words of Hope sends the good news to over 70 languages worldwide.

July 2024 Prayer Guide

INDONESIA — Five new listener communities will soon be started in Simalungun, Indonesia. Prospective leaders are lined up for each community group. Our team is


Jesus came and proclaimed the good news of peace to you who were far away and peace to those who were near. — Ephesians 2:17

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