Read: Philippians 4:2-7
The peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus. (v. 7)
An Atlantic hurricane begins as a tropical disturbance, often forming off the coast of Africa. These are thunderstorms that span 100 miles or more and last longer than 24 hours. Disturbances are not numbered or named. We scarcely hear about them in the United States, and the vast majority dissipate. But a few will maintain their strength and become major storms.
In life we have disturbances that interrupt normalcy. These can be things we’ve pursued like planning a long vacation, or unpleasant things such as having a bitter argument with someone close. Frequently we work through and forget about these disturbances, but sometimes, our minds thunder with worry about the situation and its outcome. If we continue to fuel the anxiety, these disturbances can intensify or overlap with each other and become a whirlwind that wreaks havoc in our lives and those close to us.
Disturbances are inevitable, and while anxiety may seem unavoidable, in our reading Paul tells us to rejoice! And the reason: “The Lord is at hand” (v. 5)! Instead of worrying about the disturbance, Paul writes that we are to bring all our requests to God—“with thanksgiving” (v. 6)—because we know that God hears us. When we lay our anxieties at the foot of his throne, an amazing thing happens. God does give us his peace (v. 7)! We may still have the disturbance to work through but are now bolstered with peaceful clarity of heart and mind.
As you pray, lay your anxieties at God’s feet, and experience his peace.
About the Author

Donna Harold
Donna M. Harold is retired from a career in accounting and consulting and lives in Tampa, Florida, with her husband and two cats. She serves as treasurer for her church, creates and facilitates Bible studies, and enjoys writing, mosaicking, and quilting.
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