A Living Community

Read: Ephesians 2:11-22

In him you also are being built together into a dwelling place for God by the Spirit. (v. 22)

Carol was grocery shopping for Thanksgiving, looking forward to having kids and grandkids in town. Her usually quiet home would become a crowded, busy, wonderful place for a few days. Then her mind wandered to Sharon, a single mom who had started to attend church and struggled to keep a job as she worked hard to get her life on track. In their last conversation, Carol learned that Sharon was planning to spend Thanksgiving with her two sons volunteering at a local homeless shelter offering meals to families in need.

Carol felt a quiet prompt to consider Sharon. She decided that along with her family, she could share with Sharon’s family. Whatever she bought for her family, she got another for Sharon. Carol’s heart filled with joyful anticipation of the gift, and Sharon was double-blessed, serving others and being served.

In today’s reading, Paul says that all believers are the living body of Christ, filled with his Holy Spirit. We are being built up together in love, joined together, growing into one holy community (v. 19). Jesus has broken every barrier, between rich and poor, men and women, old and young and so on. God’s very presence in us is building us into one holy temple that honors him. Listening to God’s Spirit, and following, is a key part of that process. Serving one another in love is the outcome.

As you pray, ask God for openness to the Holy Spirit’s promptings to build community and bless others.

About the Author

Bonnie Nicholas

Bonnie Nicholas, LMSW, retired in 2020 after serving as Director of Safe Church Ministry in the Christian Reformed Church in North America. She lives with her husband in their home in the woods near Lake Michigan, which she enjoys in every season. Bonnie is a deacon and member of New Hope Community Church in Shelby, Michigan.

This entry is part 7 of 7 in the series Called into Community
