Read: Luke 24:1-11
Why do you seek the living among the dead? He is not here, but has risen. (vv. 5-6)
Many years ago, my then toddler asked, “Where is God?” I responded that God doesn’t live in one place; God is everywhere all at once. He promptly sat down hard on his bed, and said, “I’m sitting on God!” He was trying to grasp something beyond his (and my) understanding: the invisible reality of God.
The first Easter morning, women went to the tomb and found it empty. They, along with Jesus’ other disciples, struggled to grasp the message that he is risen. The gospels make that point clearly, providing evidence through the stories of Jesus showing up, risen and alive. Jesus also took time to explain to his disciples all that was said in the Scriptures concerning himself, how he had to suffer, die, and be raised again to life. Prophetic words, now proved true. In addition, Jesus promised to send the Holy Spirit to teach and remind them of all that he had said (John 14:26).
Today, we don’t have the powerful visual aid of Jesus’ bodily presence. We must be intentional about keeping the invisible reality of God’s living presence with us in our minds. As we dwell with the Holy Spirit through Christ, we can pray for open eyes of faith to see God in Scripture, in the glory of creation, in people made in his image, and gain a deeper understanding of what it means to have a risen Savior. —Bonnie Nicholas
As you pray, ask God for belief without doubt that Jesus has risen and lives to be with you always.
About the Author

Bonnie Nicholas
Bonnie Nicholas, LMSW, retired in 2020 after serving as Director of Safe Church Ministry in the Christian Reformed Church in North America. She lives with her husband in their home in the woods near Lake Michigan, which she enjoys in every season. Bonnie is a deacon and member of New Hope Community Church in Shelby, Michigan.
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