
Open Hands, Fulfilled Needs

Read: Psalm 145

Every day I will bless you and praise your name forever and ever. (v. 2)

When we choose to hold the things of this world loosely, letting go and letting God, we open up our lives to worship him more fully. As one of David’s psalms of praise, Psalm 145 reminds me that the Father takes delight in our worship.

Depending on what part of the world you live in, your corporate worship may take place in a large church building, someone’s home, or even in a secret place. When we gather with other believers, we have the opportunity to praise God together, and this is extremely valuable for growth and community.

But how about when we are not gathered with the larger body of believers? How we conduct ourselves at work, home, and in our neighborhoods are also acts of worship, often bearing greater witness than when we are at church. In 2005, Christian music group Casting Crowns released “Lifesong.” In the chorus, the songwriter says he wants to sign God’s name to the end of the day, knowing that his heart was true, and then says, “Let my lifesong sing to You.”

While there is much in life that we want to hold tightly to, when we let go and let God we are free to let our very lives serve as a witness to his great love. Our hands can be open to his work, lifted high in praise no matter the time or season. —Joy Petroelje

As you pray, praise God for his unfailing and constant care for you.

About the Author

Joy Petroelje

Joy Petroelje serves as the grants manager for a faith-based international nonprofit organization. Aside from work, she enjoys family time, coffee or dinner with friends, writing, reading, and running.