Blessed Assurance

Read: Acts 27:1-11; 14-18; 21-25

An angel of the God to whom I belong and whom I worship . . . said, “Do not be afraid, Paul; you must stand before Caesar.” (vv. 23-24)

Last autumn, as mentioned earlier, my wife and I went on a cruise in the Mediterranean Sea. It was a beautiful cruise with perfect weather and an extremely calm sea. That, however, is not always the case as the apostle Paul found out in his last sea voyage. His trip to Rome included a boisterous northeaster and ended in shipwreck.

If you have ever been through a storm at sea, you can understand why passengers and crew were so afraid. But there was one person who was not afraid, and it was not the ship’s captain. I’m talking about the Jewish tentmaker, Paul. He was not an experienced sailor who was accustomed to watching the sky and the sea. No, he was tuned in to something else. His directions came from on high.

Paul’s earlier advice to not set sail for the island of Crete had been rejected by Julius, the centurion. They had set sail anyway, and the result was disastrous. But despite that, Paul once again had some reassuring words for all on board: they would all be spared because God’s indestructible plan was for Paul to stand before Caesar.

We all need reassuring words at times. Thankfully we have a storehouse of treasures in God’s Word through which he assures us again and again of his presence and power. —John Koedyker

As you pray, ask God to speak to you his words of comfort and assurance.

About the Author

John Koedyker
John Koedyker

Rev. John C. Koedyker is an ordained minister in the Reformed Church in America. He has served as a missionary to Japan as well as pastor of several churches in Iowa and Michigan. Until recently he served Muskegon Classis as its Stated Clerk for 18 years. He resides in Grand Haven, Michigan.

