Why Jesus Rejoices
Read: Luke 10:17-24 Blessed are the eyes that see what you see! (v. 23) When mission groups return, the participants often give a report to the congregation that sent them. Stories
Read: Luke 10:17-24 Blessed are the eyes that see what you see! (v. 23) When mission groups return, the participants often give a report to the congregation that sent them. Stories
Read: Luke 10:10-12 The kingdom of God has come near. (v. 11) Most people love affirmation and fear rejection. That’s why Facebook and Instagram have a button for “like” but not
Read: Luke 10:8-9 Eat what is set before you. (v. 8) Many mission trips focus on work. The participants want to get things done, concentrating on the results: the number of
Read: Luke 10:5-7 Peace be to this house! (v. 5) I don’t begin most conversations among new people with “peace.” To me, it sounds a bit like humans greeting aliens in
Read: Luke 10:4, Acts 13:3-5 Carry no moneybag, no knapsack . . . (v. 4) On my first mission experience in Uganda, I packed a digital camera but forgot the charging
Read: Luke 10:3, Psalm 23 Behold, I am sending you out as lambs in the midst of wolves. (v. 3) As a little boy, I loved singing “Onward, Christian Soldiers” in
Read: Luke 10:2; Acts 13:1-2 The harvest is plentiful, but the laborers are few. (Luke 10:2) One Tuesday last November, I was setting out with our Ugandan team for a
Read: Luke 10:1; Acts 1:6-8 The Lord appointed seventy-two. (Luke 10:1) The first rule of mission is that it’s Christ’s mission, not ours. Luke 10:1 plainly says “the Lord” appoints
Read: Luke 9:57-62 I will follow you wherever you go. (v. 57) Most of us can find ourselves among these would-be followers that Jesus encounters on his way to Jerusalem. The
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