
Stories of Hope

Stories from our ministry fields around the world.

Prayer Guide

January Prayer Guide 2022

SOUTH SUDAN — Continue to pray for everyone still suffering from severe flooding in South Sudan. Floodwaters have been high since June of 2021, the worst flooding the region has experienced in 60 years. Homes, farms, and markets have

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woman carrying water jugs
Prayer Guide

December Prayer Guide 2021

INDIA — Words of Hope’s Director shares this encouragement: “We must use all our God-given intelligence, physical strengths, and the available resources in our network. However, we must never forget that in spite of all our efforts, we must

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happy children in asia
Prayer Guide

November Prayer Guide 2021

SOUTH SUDAN — Revenge killings continue in South Sudan. Pray that the peace of Christ as proclaimed through Words of Hope programs would turn hearts toward non-violence. We have heard directly from individuals who, after listening to Words of

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Prayer Guide

October Prayer Guide 2021

UGANDA — Give thanks that Revival FM just celebrated three years of ministry. Our director reports: “We have seen [the station] grow within the region of southwestern Uganda. Families have been restored, and youths have been taught and equipped

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Learn a Little Javanese!

In Indonesia, daily devotional programs are currently being translated into 16 different languages. The work of translating must be done carefully. Certain words and phrases do not always have direct equivalents, and references that might make sense on one

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The Witness of a Christian Wedding

Words of Hope is now producing programs in the Bhaderwahi language of northern India. Bhaderwahi is a dialect of Dogri, and is spoken by a group of 100 or so families living in the region of Jammu and Kashmir. 

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Prayer Guide

September Prayer Guide 2021

ENGLISH — Give thanks that the North American office renovation project is nearly complete! The building is now accessible and energy efficient. Space has been repurposed for new uses such as a conference area for small gatherings of donors

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South Sudan

No More Revenge

Ongoing radio programs in the often war-torn country of South Sudan are changing lives, one at a time. A South Sudanese man who contacted our radio station told our producers that he used to have three sons, but had

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Prayer Guide

August Prayer Guide 2021

BHUTAN — The ministry team in Bhutan organized a special one-day children’s program on the theme, “There is Hope for Our Children.” The goal was to encourage the children with the gospel in the midst of fear, anxiety, and

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