God Sees

Read: Genesis 16:6-16

You are the God who sees me. (v. 13 NIV)

Children love hiding from others as a game. As adults, we also hide in different ways. Sometimes we hide behind the protective walls we erect around our hearts. We fear rejection or worry what people think of us if our real selves are seen. But if we’re honest, we want to be found, seen, and loved.

In our passage today, we find Hagar, Sarai’s Egyptian slave, in the wilderness. She ran away from Sarai because she was treated harshly (v. 6). The angel of the Lord found Hagar. He told her to return to Sarai. But instead of scolding her for her behavior, he spoke to her in love. The angel of the Lord foretold the birth of her son and gave her a promise. He said that he would multiply her offspring. Hagar said in response: “You are the God who sees me,” (v. 13 NIV). Hagar felt seen by God. She said, “I have now seen the One who sees me” (v. 13 NIV).

God saw her in her misery and extended his love to her through his promises. He sees you too.

God sees the real you—the good and bad. He sees you when you’re afflicted. He sees the misery and suffering you’re experiencing. He sees you with his eyes of love. You don’t need to hide from him. May you embrace the God who sees you today and know deep down in your heart that he loves you.

As you pray, know that you are seen and loved.

About the Author

Nancy Boote

Nancy Boote, an ordained minister in the Reformed Church of America, lives in Holland, Michigan, with her husband. Besides being a mother, a grandmother, a song writer, and lover of horses, Nancy also has a heart for prayer and seeing racism dismantled.

This entry is part 2 of 10 in the series You Are Truly Loved