
Rely on the Holy Spirit

Read: John 14:15-27

I will ask the Father, and he will give you another Helper, to be with you forever, even the Spirit of truth. (vv. 16-17)

Think of items you have used today that required a power source, such as an alarm clock, coffee maker, hair dryer, vehicle, air conditioner, or cell phone. Believers in Jesus have a power source that we often take for granted—the Holy Spirit.

In John 14, Jesus promised that he would not leave us alone but would send us the Spirit of truth to help, counsel, convict, and equip us. On Pentecost, the Holy Spirit came powerfully upon the disciples and filled them, and he still comes today filling the lives of all who repent and believe. Yet, we often minimize the importance of the Holy Spirit. Christmas and Easter get far more attention than Pentecost.

In the year ahead, how can you develop a greater understanding of and appreciation for the Holy Spirit’s work in your life? A believer in Jesus who is not led by the Holy Spirit misses out on the power source for Christian living. As we will see in tomorrow’s devotional, with God’s help we must live by the Spirit. Being receptive to the power of the Holy Spirit enables us to put the truth of God’s Word into practice and stand strong amidst temptation. Just as electronics are reliant on a power source, everyone who believes in Jesus need the power of the Holy Spirit to live faithfully and bear spiritual fruit.

As you pray, thank God for the gift of the Holy Spirit and ask Him to help you follow the Spirit’s leading.

About the Author

Steve Petroelje

Rev. Steve Petroelje is a specialized transition pastor who serves vacant churches and helps them assess health, pursue missional effectiveness, and conduct a pastoral search process. He is the past-president of the Words of Hope Board of Trustees.

This entry is part 9 of 13 in the series Biblical Resolutions