Read: Psalm 25:1-15; 118:5-7
When hard pressed, I cried to the LORD; he brought me into a spacious place. (Ps. 118:5 NIV)
Do you often feel like nothing is going your way? Maybe you’ve made many mistakes in life, or maybe you’ve found yourself in difficult circumstances; betrayal comes unexpectedly and threatens to overwhelm you. In Psalm 25, David shows how it felt to be overwhelmed. He desperately wanted to honor God, but the battle to do the right thing and the battle against his enemies who wanted to end his kingship were wearing him out. He was desperate and scared. David pleaded with God, “Let me not be put to shame” (v. 2).
In other words, “Don’t let me fail!” In the many lines of this psalm, David reminds himself that God won’t fail him, ever. This is for many reasons: “for you are God my Savior . . . for [your great mercy and love] are from of old . . . for you, LORD, are good . . . [and] only he will release my feet from the snare” (vv. 4-7, 15).
When you think you’ve hit a wall in life, let Jesus be your rock to break that wall. Because Jesus defeated sin and death, we know that the hardships we face will not last forever. Like David, we can trust God to continue loving us when we don’t get everything right (v. 7). When you feel hard-pressed with life challenges, seek the Lord, fast and cry unto the Lord, he is faithful to answer you. —Rev. Titus Baraka (Executive Director, Words of Hope Uganda)
As you pray, lift up your soul to the Lord, tell him not to let you be ashamed or let your enemies triumph over you.
About the Author
Rev. Titus Baraka
Rev. Titus Baraka is the executive director of Words of Hope Uganda. Through radio programs of all types, from music, to Bible studies, to counseling, Words of Hope Uganda is claiming all assets of Ugandan society and culture for Christ. Words of Hope is empowering Ugandan pastors and churches to effectively nurture their people in the life of Christian discipleship. In the midst of this hard place, radio is bringing truly life-changing good news. To learn more about Words of Hope Uganda, visit our ministry pages.
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- Rev. Titus Baraka#molongui-disabled-link
- Rev. Titus Baraka#molongui-disabled-link