Read: Ephesians 2:11-22
So then you are no longer strangers and aliens, but you are fellow citizens with the saints and members of the household of God, built on the foundation of the apostles and prophets, Christ Jesus himself being the cornerstone, in whom the whole structure, being joined together, grows into a holy temple in the Lord. (vv. 19-21)
As God’s “treasured possession among all peoples” (Exod. 19:5), the nation of Israel was set apart for the world to be in awe of their God. God loved the entire world, and his desire was to win the hearts of all humans. After the flood, he had promised to never destroy the world again with water, and now he had plans to show the world who he was through this “kingdom of priests” (Exod. 19:6). Israel was to welcome the stranger or alien who chose to follow God (Lev. 19:34) and be a light for the nations (Isa. 42:6). Sadly, their disobedience, frequent and flagrant, kept them from winning hearts.
Through the life and death of Jesus, God’s love for the whole world was spoken again. Now, whoever believes in him—Jew or Gentile—is “chosen for the high calling of priestly work, chosen to be a holy people, God’s instruments to do his work and speak out for him, to tell others of the night-and-day difference he made (1 Peter 2:9 MSG).
No longer strangers, we follow in the footsteps of our great high priest, Jesus, who lives ever to intercede (Heb. 7:25). —Amy Clemens
As you pray, ask God what it means to be a priest to him and the world he loves.
About the Author

Amy Clemens
With a bachelors in journalism from Texas Tech University and a masters from Western Theological Seminary, Amy Clemens enjoys all things writing, particularly about the life of faith. She is blessed with a family that includes husband Fred, five children, and five grandchildren.
Amy has just published her first book, "Walking When You'd Rather Fly: Meditations on Faith After the Fall," which weaves her journey from childhood abuse toward healing and spiritual growth with a practical theology for the big story of God. You can find out more about the book and author at
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- Amy Clemens#molongui-disabled-link
- Amy Clemens#molongui-disabled-link
- Amy Clemens#molongui-disabled-link