

Read: 2 Timothy 2:1-13

And what you have heard from me in the presence of many witnesses entrust to faithful men, who will be able to teach others also. (v. 2)

A book I read about President Harry S. Truman described the moment President Franklin D. Roosevelt died and Truman ascended to the presidency. Roosevelt, despite numerous health concerns, never really included his vice president in discussions, leaving Truman out of the loop. The day he was sworn into office, Truman said, “I felt as though the moon and the stars and all the planets fell on me last night when I got the news.” With everything that was happening in the world at the time, even that may have been an understatement.

Paul wrote to Timothy with his own death in mind. Notice that he wasn’t just preparing Timothy to lead, but also had in mind those whom Timothy would entrust the gospel to. It was essential in the age of persecution that leaders have others prepared to step in and carry the faith. It is still essential today.

It is easier to do things by ourselves. Inviting others to join us in our ministries takes effort, patience, and the humility to know not only that someone might do things differently than I will, but that they also might do it better! Further, the ongoing mission of the gospel depends on our willingness to pass the torch. Who are you investing yourself in and encouraging in the faith? When we say that the church has to reach the next generation, that’s on each of us! —Joel Plantinga

As you pray, seek the courage to invest in another person.

About the Author

joel plantinga

Rev. Joel Plantinga has now been in full-time pastoral ministry for more than 20 years. He serves as the Lead Pastor of Desert Winds Community Church (RCA) in Palmdale, California, and is married to Teresa with children Noah, Eden, and Rachel.