
The Unexpected Mechanic

Read: Psalm 33:12-22

We wait in hope for the Lord; he is our help and our shield. (v. 20 NIV)

It was ten o’clock at night. We were driving on a lonely two-track road in Tojolabal country. We had climbed up out of the deep valley on the narrow winding road, but were still miles from home. Suddenly the van stalled. This was not a safe place to be after dark.

As the men got out of the car to check the motor, we women started praying. Periodically, Sam would try to start the car. No results. Half an hour passed and it looked like we would spend the night there. No one traveled these roads at night.

We women continued to pray that God would protect us, and that the car would be repaired. Then, in the silence of the night, we heard a truck in the distance. Soon the lights of a large logging truck appeared. What would a truck be doing on this road so late at night!

The truck stopped, and the driver joined the men behind our van. Soon the engine was running again. The truck pulled around us. Its tail lights were in front of us for only a few moments and then disappeared from sight. I have often wondered if God sent one of his angels in answer to our prayers. —Helen Hofman

As you pray, thank God again for his ongoing protection, even on dark nights and lonely roads.

About the Author

Helen Hofman is a retired missionary. She and her husband Sam worked with the Tzeltal and Tojolabal Indians of Chiapas, Mexico for more than forty years. In their work, they helped set up a Bible School to train the Tzeltals, taught in the Bible School, prepared Sunday School materials, textbooks, hymnals and audiovisuals. They also coordinated the translation of the Amatenango Tzeltal New Testament and the revision of the highland Tzeltal Bible.