
Charisma without Character

Read: 1 Kings 11:4-9

When Solomon was old his wives turned away his heart after other gods. (v. 4)

The charisma of a gifted and talented person is a great asset for success. However, many gifted people use their charisma to harm others or cover up their own failings. They have a world of wealth and fame, but they’re vulnerable to corruption. Many great figures in world history have made headlines featuring their failures, including gifted Christian preachers, theologians, and religious leaders. Charisma is not enough by itself because it doesn’t ensure righteous character. God searches our hearts and takes pleasure in the soundness of our inner being.

Character must precede charisma. Charisma may mesmerize people, but good character pleases God. Solomon is considered to have been the wisest king on earth (1 Kings 4:29-34). Yet he failed to be a king of good character. In direct disobedience to God’s command, he married 700 wives and had 300 concubines, and they led his heart astray (1 Kings 11:1-3). He invited disaster into his life.

Charisma is just not enough; it’s hollow without a character that’s righteous. Character is developed and preserved when one surrenders and submits to God. By listening to God’s Word, one is able to learn about godly characters, people of integrity. And character is not simply a habit; it’s a lifestyle. A lifestyle that seeks to bring honor to God and please him. Who we are and how we live is a journey till eternity. —Dr. A.K. Lama

As you pray, ask God to build your character and focus on him.

About the Author

Dr. A.K. Lama serves as Words of Hope’s Director for Ministry to South Asia. Dr. Lama is fluent in six languages, and holds a PhD from Trinity Evangelical Divinity School in Illinois. Dr. Lama is married to Dr. Asangla Ao. Together they have two daughters and one son.

This entry is part 3 of 8 in the series Be Still and Know