Read: Matthew 21:18-22
If you have faith and do not doubt . . . you can say to this mountain, “Go, throw yourself into the sea,” and it will be done. (v. 21 NIV)
Peter had great faith until he looked away from Jesus. “When he saw the wind, he was afraid and, beginning to sink, cried out, ‘Lord, save me!’ ” (Matt. 14:30). With great fear came doubt and with doubt came that terrible sinking sensation.
Did Peter lose his salvation because he doubted? No. “Immediately Jesus reached out his hand and caught him” (v. 31). Whenever we cry, “Lord, save me!” even if we are filled with fearful doubt, Jesus will respond.
So, of course, faith and doubt can live in the same heart, but that’s not what Jesus wants. “You of little faith . . . why did you doubt?” (v. 31). Jesus continues to love and save a believer who doubts, but that doesn’t mean he loves doubt. Think of what Jesus said to doubting Thomas: “Stop doubting and believe” (John 20:27). And think of the incredible promise of Matthew 21:21: “If you have faith and do not doubt . . . you can say . . . .” James 1:5-8 makes another such promise.
Those kinds of promises suggest why Jesus doesn’t love doubt. It makes faith smaller, and the smaller your faith, the less you will be able to receive the present benefits of your salvation. Little faith cannot walk on water or move mountains or receive wisdom. Jesus wants us to stop doubting, because doubt keeps us from experiencing the blessings of salvation here and now.
As you pray, thank God for grace greater than the mighty rolling sea of doubt.
About the Author

Stan Mast
Rev. Stan Mast is a retired pastor, who served four churches in the West and Midwest regions of the United States. He finished his career with three years of teaching at Calvin Seminary. He is happily married to Sharon, and they have two sons and four grandchildren. Stan is a voracious reader and works out regularly. He also calls himself a car nut and an “avid, but average” golfer.
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