Hiding Place

Read: Psalm 32:6-8

You are a hiding place for me; you preserve me from trouble. (v. 7)

Growing up on a dairy farm, I used to go to the pasture to bring cows up to the barn. Along the way was a row of silver maple trees, and one had a large hole in the trunk. Crawling inside, I felt safe, close to God. Psalm 46:10 invites us likewise: “Be still, and know that I am God.” Inside the tree trunk, I hid a coffee can containing my diary of Bible verses I memorized at Sunday school. The verses taught me the fear and understanding of God.

Verses hidden in my heart can never be taken away by anyone. My pastor David DeKuiper once said, “No matter what goes on around us, God desires that we press in close to him, so close that we can hear his heartbeat, know his voice, and feel the peace of his presence.” Finding a hiding place is where you are alone and quiet, protected from outside interruptions (Ps. 32:7).

Today, I have a red tin box I call my “Prayer Box.” I stuff it with scraps of paper recording prayers to God and promises from Scripture. Because I want others to have a hiding place too, I give Prayer Boxes to my friends. In it they can leave God a message and trust him to take care of it. He is watching, and his protecting wing covers us (Ps. 91:4). Make a Prayer Box and feel the peace it brings and check it for answers! —Betty Kobes

As you pray, memorize the promises in Scripture and make them your hiding place with God.

About the Author

Betty Kobes

Betty Kobes attended Kuyper College (formerly Reformed Bible College) in Grand Rapids, Michigan, and received a bachelor of science in education and religion from Upper Iowa University. She served as teacher for 34 years in Christian and public schools. She is a member of the Immanuel Reformed Church in Belmond, Iowa, where she is active in Praise Team singing, teaching, and the Pleasant Prairie Classis Leadership Team, along with home activities of writing, gardening, walking, biking, and quilting.

