Read: Leviticus 19:18; James 3:13-18
But the wisdom that comes from heaven is first of all pure; then peace-loving, considerate, submissive, full of mercy and good fruit, impartial and sincere. (v. 17 NIV)
Calixto and Maria had been childless for years. Calixto’s single sister lived with them too. Maria and Calixto had talked of adopting a child, but there had been no opportunity. The three adults lived a quiet but contented life together.
Then one day when Maria went outside at dawn, she saw a wiggling, cloth-wrapped bundle outside their door. It was a newborn infant. Someone had given birth during the night and had left the baby at Maria’s door.
As Maria held the newborn, her first response was: “This is the child we have always wanted.” But then she thought further. She realized that if she and her husband kept the child, there would be gossip. People would assume it was the illegitimate child of her sister-in-law.
After talking it over, the three of them took the baby to the church leaders for placement in the home of another childless couple.
“We don’t want our sister to be accused of immoral behavior,” they explained to the elders. “Although we would love to keep this child as our own, it is more important that we do not bring pain to our sister.” This is sacrificial love. —Helen Hofman
As you pray, ask God to show you how to put the well-being of others before your own desires.
About the Author

Helen Hofman
Helen Hofman is a retired missionary. She and her husband Sam worked with the Tzeltal and Tojolabal Indians of Chiapas, Mexico for more than forty years. In their work, they helped set up a Bible School to train the Tzeltals, taught in the Bible School, prepared Sunday School materials, textbooks, hymnals and audiovisuals. They also coordinated the translation of the Amatenango Tzeltal New Testament and the revision of the highland Tzeltal Bible.
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- Helen Hofman#molongui-disabled-link
- Helen Hofman#molongui-disabled-link
- Helen Hofman#molongui-disabled-link